
  1. Only Disco & Dj content is allowed on discoanddj.com/d/
  2. 1a. You can't make posts/threads about completely different topics; you need a relation.
    1b. Images unrelated to the subject of your post will be removed. You're not forced to attatch an image to the OP
    1c. Text unrelated to the subject of your post will be removed. You're not forced to write text with an image

Name feild

The max is 1000 characters.
To write a password write The out put will be Name!ozOtJW9BFA

Options feild

  1. sage
  2. sage comes from the Japanese verb "sageru" (下げる) which means "to lower". Typing sage into the options field prevents the thread from being bumped.
  3. nonoko
  4. noko comes from the Japanese word "nokomoru" (残る), which means "to remain". Typing nonoko into the options feild means you will not stay in your thread. (noko is the default posting option)
  5. dndpass
  6. Name
  7. mod
  8. Name ## Mod
  9. admin
  10. Name ## Admin
not case sensitive.
writing will result in saging nonokoing and haveing your name displayed as admin with each icon after the name

Subject feild

max 255 characters.

Comment and image

Posting requires either an image or comment. I don't know the max comment or image character length



Nobody has asked any questions!
Send your questions to dizzle@discoandj.com or post about them on /d/